Friday, March 30, 2012

Looking to the Island

I have decided to take the path of writing a research project instead of an integration essay. After my trip to Puerto Rico and reading the book Bodega Dreams I saw a large impact drugs had on this specific cultural group. I wanted to further explore the relationship of the Puerto Rican people in Puerto Rico and how influential drugs play in their life. In Bodega Dreams we saw just how involved Puerto Ricans living in America were involved with drugs.  (Just in the book) Willie Bodega sells  drugs and becomes so successful at it her can finance reconstruction projects in East- Harlem, then rent them out for below market value to fellow Puerto Ricans who are in need. The question I want to uncover in this research project is who is to blame for drugs being such an impact in the Puerto Rican cultural?

Pointing any one finger at a person for a countries problem with drugs is just not possible. The drug business, just like any businesses, it has an established system that runs it, and the destruction of that business is near impossible. I want to uncover through research and interviews how people of the island are affected. Thus far in my research I have uncovered how America may be a large consumer and thus fueling the drug business in Puerto Rico. Bringing the questions I would like to answer in this paper, how are drugs influence and affect Puerto Ricans, but how specifically Americas influence on the drug war in Puerto Rico.

I do not have much research done at this point, but I am very excited that a 20 year old Puerto Rican has agreed to let me interview and ask them questions about the drug war on the island. I met him while I was in Puerto Rico and he actually took me around and showed me different areas where the drug cartel was located. I can remember how scared I was not only seeing all the guns around that people had with them, but hearing the gun shots at night. Reading about the impact Willie Bodega had on people and the impact drugs played with him has made me interested in looking to see if this is something that stems from the island and if that’s true, then are we fueling there drug war? 


  1. Wow, your first-hand experience with seeing the drug cartel in Puerto Rico sounds like a scary/awesome basis to your research paper.

    Overall, this research paper sounds really interesting and it sounds like you will be able to get a lot of good information from first(?)-hand sources. One thing I would ask about would be to see what the US-side of the drug issue is. Is the US making it more available or easy to find or cheap? Are we shipping it across the border and making it available for people here?

    Also, what kind of drugs are we talking about here? All of them? I wish I knew more about this, it's super interesting.

  2. What a cool experience to be able to investigate. Yes, it isn't something that we want to promote, but being able to experience something and then further investigate it would be really awesome.

    It sounds like a really interesting project. I still think it is so cool that you have the connection with a first-hand source. I think it will be awesome research project.

  3. This is a good idea for a paper. When I think about drugs and the drug business I automatically think abut the Mexican drugs. Drugs are everywhere. The thing that gets me is the fact that in the novel, drugs made a positive influence on the people in need. The Puerto Ricans in Spanish Harlem needed help and Willie's drug power helped give them what they needed. We all know drugs are bad but the novel makes it seem that if it helps people in need, then it is okay. It isn't, however, since another group of people who buy the drugs suffer.

    I wonder how this research project will turn out. I think the interview with your amigo from Puerto Rico should give you deep insight.

  4. The personal experience you had in Puerto Rico will definitely come in handy while writing your paper, as will your first person source. I thought it was very interesting that Bodega sold the drugs to his people and also provided a place to get clean, often close to where he was selling the drugs. For me, I often hear about the drugs coming out of Mexico and the cartels from Latin America. I would find it interesting to learn about the island drug trade and how it influences the lives of people on the island.

  5. I would actually really like to read this paper myself! I think that having a first hand experience will greatly benefit your paper, and you will have the unique experience of getting an interview with someone who is exposed to the drug war on the island. I agree with Lynn when she said that news normally portrays drugs as coming from Mexico and other Latin American countries. There is not much information on Puerto Rico and its influence on drugs, or what is happening in the country in relation to drugs.

  6. Jessica, this sounds like a great research topic. It's a bit hazy at the moment, as you haven't really started your research yet, but as you gather your information, narrow your focus sufficiently so that your paper has a solid structure. Perhaps it would make most sense to focus on Puerto Rico and how learning about drug traffic between the US and Puerto Rico is relevant to our understanding of Bodega Dreams. I have the feeling that in real life, it would be much more difficult to extricate yourself from drug friends than it is for Chino in Bodega Dreams. Clearly there is a lot of interest among your classmates. We'll all look forward to seeing the paper on your blog next week.
